Read Time: Estimated 5mins



Rounding up the Logo Exploration series, you deserve three gold medals for your attention and aptitude to follow these messy thoughts spewing all over. It’s really all just jumbled up, typed out while barely understanding what it’s all about.


But the idea is this; whatever the jumble or the jumbled thoughts, once solidified and picked out, someone just might find some sense in the whole thing that even you didn’t see. Aside that, more of those lurkers deep down in the murk, where it’s really turbid, are encouraged to pop up, knowing there’s hope for some air and sunlight.

Really, if they’re all kept bottled up in there, it does no one any good. What’s there to lose in sharing? The worst that could happen is criticism, which can actually be propellants. So, there’s no great hurt in solidifying the thoughts, making them visible, and asking someone, What Do You Think of this or these?

What then is this last element of the logo? Well, it’s no big affair, just a giant ‘W’ denoting What Do You Think? The page name, that is.


– and that’s just it.

What Do You Think? Thoughts are not a whole lot if they’re not actualized. They’re potentially powerful, but that’s mostly all there is, potential. That potential energy is able to drive the physiological processes and motor reactions necessary to actually make the thought happen. A thought alone can’t make you dig a spoon into a plate of rice and shovel into your mouth. The strength of the thought, however, that potential energy, can greatly influence how quickly and efficiently an action is carried out.


So what do you with thoughts, or say, what do thoughts make you do? Understand, thoughts alone can’t exactly make you do something, but can act as drivers.

Take a quadriplegic for instance. He thinks of playing basketball as he used to before his accident, and of gyrating on the dance floor with a lady friend, and of going to the bathroom without assistance……but that’s all there is: thoughts. No matter how hard he thinks them, though the thoughts go as far as inducing the brain to send the signals necessary to the feet to take dance steps, or to the whole mechanisms in the body involved in playing basketball, unfortunately, none of those activities can be actualized.


Funny thing is, thoughts of things that can’t be done usually come ringing back stronger and stronger.

Have you ever seen a movie and forgotten about breakfast till 2pm, and you think nothing of it? However, as soon as someone says, “There’s going to be a fast tomorrow till 12pm”, your whole being is instantly on the revolt.

Though you have more interesting movies that can keep you occupied till 3pm tomorrow, you won’t stop feeling the hunger pangs. They might not even be there, but because the brain has been wired that way, it reinforces the thought of eating that you’re trying to suppress, and constantly reminds all of your being that breakfast is missing, and it won’t stop secreting the ‘hunger hormone’. This is just illustrating the strength that comes with restricted thoughts.

It’s the same thing that happens when you’ve enjoyed cooping up yourself indoors all day today and you weren’t thinking of going out. But tomorrow comes, and you have to stay indoors because you’re prohibited from going out, then it feels like prison. You can’t stop thinking about going out, much as you try to keep it off, knowing you’re restricted from going out.Why do prison breaks occur?

Thoughts cooped in for longer get more strength, just like a rubber band gets more potential energy the more it is stretched. You know, if care is not taken, the rubber band just might be overstretched and snap.


Get outta there, let’s see what you got.

How do we prevent this then? How do we let them-these thoughts-out in a strictly controlled combustion with fire trucks and extinguishers at the ready, rather than waiting for them to surpass pressure limit and explode? Well, the question has sort of been answered: put them out.

And it might not just be enough to put them out. It’s greatly important that someone, or a lot of someones, is given the privilege to share from them. But who is that someone? In the same room as you, on your social media space, in the same office or classroom, or just a random guy you grab on the street(if he doesn’t knee you first)?

What do you stand to gain from here?

  • For one, you get a check on your thoughts, if nothing else. You might be going off, like way off;
  • Aside that, you can also get validation – really, this goes a long way to stimulating and encouraging even more of those thoughts to come out from under the murk. Therefore, we can also say;
  • it encourages more digging.
  • You can find resonance.


You know one frustrating thing though? Finding resonance! You share these thoughts and your circle might not even begin to get the point, no one seems to understand, then you just lock up entirely. That lock up is not for lack of thoughts, but rather it is due to lack of an……audience(?) Finding resonance however, you can bounce these thoughts off one or the other.

You know, it’s like interference: it could be Destructive or Constructive. Destructive if you find none to understand, and you’re forced to expend a lot of energy trying to make it clear. But when it’s Constructive? Boy, you’re on a roll, crests perfectly matching crests and trough to trough too, in perfect phase.

Okay, say you don’t get the whole talk about interference and all, have you ever had to explain a joke you told? Really, you spend some 5 minutes telling it, then some 15 minutes explaining it. Worst part? No one laughs still. You just feel like the biggest fool ever.


Think about this: most thoughts, however ridiculous or intelligent, would just get lost in the murk if they’re not taken up, sifted, and aired. Attempting to solidify these thoughts makes them solid(tautology?), forces the mind to evaluate them, to think critically.

Keeping at this practice-constantly evaluating and checking, writing something down or painting something on a canvas or playing some piece of music or dashing out a few lines of code-soon enough, the mind is trained to do these things almost reflexively, automatically picking out what’s priority, creating a folder of “to be considered later” where necessary. You’re that smart!

It helps boost attention if you have to focus on a particular thought too.


So, the major essence of this ‘blog’ is to share thoughts, find resonance, and get someone that gets you. Please be free to use the comment box(even more than the like button).

You don’t agree with something you see?
Awesome! What Do You Think?

You see something from a different perspective?
Beautiful! What Do You Think?

You’d like to share something?
Superb! What Do You Think?

Congratulations on following to the end(of the beginning). Your attention span is more than a tweet long. Hang around for…you name it.

Please do well to keep in touch. Here is a list of things to do to ensure that:

  • Subscribe/Follow the blog
  • Follow @wdyot on Twitter
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  1. Wow! I must say that this is very wonderful… Pouring out your thoughts out and making we the audience think about it, it’s really nice. I have question though.


      1. Hello again. Well, the article does say restricted thoughts can charge up, get overstretched. But of course there’s always a limit.
        If you do intend to keep it suppressed however, the thoughts will remain, and in time, it could decay, or it could self destruct(and pray it doesn’t take you with it).

        And, I think another angle to this considering the perspective of our ‘id’, (which, according to Freudian Psychology, is our ‘baser self’, so to say), there are some thoughts, whims and desires of this ‘id’ that must needs be ‘suppressed'(e.g. I will kill the neighbor’s cat).

        If this thought is suppressed long enough, it could decay, but many-a-times, what we do is channel that energy from that ‘bad thought’, into something else. So, you might for a habit of keeping back door locked to keep out the said cat, instead of actually killing the cat.

        Long story short, suppressed thoughts could self-destruct by explosively or by slow decay, but what we mostly do is channel that energy from that bubbling thought, into something else.

        I hope I got your idea and not cause further confusion.😊

        Liked by 1 person

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